Guides for Visualizing Reality

Visualizing reality is hard. There are often missing, invalid, or uncertain data. And what about repeating patterns and outliers? These are some helpful guides to help navigate those kinds of visualization gotchas.

Guides for Visualizing Reality (FlowingData)

Analysing the (Alleged) Minneapolis Police Department “Hack”

After about 3 years of silence, the hacker group Anonymous is back. Prompted by the murder of George Floyd, they allegedly hacked the Minneapolis Police Department and released around 800 email addresses and passwords. Troy Hunt explains his analysis and why he doesn’t think it’s a proper “hack.”

Analysing (sic) the (Alleged) Minneapolis Police Department “Hack” (Troy Hunt)

Tutorial: OpenCV Social Distancing Detector

For obvious reasons, social distancing is very popular right now (disclaimer: actual popularity varies depending on location). This tutorial uses OpenCV (CV = Computer Vision) and deep learning to process a video file and determine which people are 6ft apart.

OpenCV Social Distancing Detector (PyImageSearch)

COVID-19 News & Dashboards

I haven’t seen any new COVID-19 data news. I’m going to keep these dashboards readily available so we can track things since many states have decided to withdraw shelter-in-place restrictions. Stay safe out there!

If you have any other dashboards to share, please send them my way.