DrawSQL: Database schema templates

#sql #schemas

Call me a data nerd, but I love me some database schema visualizations. While some diagramming apps are overly complicated or generalized, DrawSQL has an excellent interface and a public repository of schemas from some of the most popular open-source projects. It’s worth checking out even just to see how others are scheming. (sorry, I couldn’t help myself 🤪)

Database schema templates by DrawSQL

Example Schemas Database schema for WordPress (DrawSQL) Database schema for Django (DrawSQL) Database schema for Comfortable Mexican Sofa (DrawSQL)

Falcon by plotly: SQL editor with inline data visualization

#sql #data-visualization

Graphical SQL editors are useful when you just want to click around to get some quick database querying and analysis done. Falcon by plotly takes this a step further by adding inline data visualization directly into the interface. The best part is that it’s open-source, cross-platform, and free!

Falcon SQL Client for Windows and Mac

HOWTO: Notebooks in Visual Studio Code

#python #tutorial

Jupyter notebooks have become the defacto for showing exploratory data analysis (EDA) and modeling in an easy-to-read, linear format. But, sometimes, you want to do some quick analysis without spinning up a Jupyter notebook. If you’re already familiar with using VS Code as your development environment, this walkthrough will guide you on setting things up with Python Interactive.

Exploring an Alternative to Jupyter Notebooks for Python Development (Practical Business Python)

SQLPD: Learn SQL while solving crimes

#sql #tutorial

I’m a fan of game-based learning systems. Seriously, any little bit of dopamine to assist with learning mundane things is a big win in my book. SQL Police Department hops on the true-crime bandwagon to get you working through cases to solve crimes using SQL to query databases. It’s a work in progress and currently only contains basic SQL querying and filtering, but shows some promise.

SQL Police Department

COVID-19 News & Dashboards

I haven’t seen much other new COVID-19 data news. I’m going to keep these dashboards readily available so we can track things since some states have decided to withdraw shelter-in-place restrictions. Stay safe out there!

Johns Hopkins ArcGIS Dashboard
United States By County Dashboard
nCoV2019.live Dashboard

If you have any other dashboards to share, please send them my way.